What students, parents and guardians need to know

At Gaiser, we want every student to feel safe and welcome so that they can learn and thrive. Along with our culture and behavioral expectations, the following guidelines help make this possible.

A student is tardy when he/she enters the classroom after the tardy bell and within the first 15 minutes of class time. It is considered an unexcused absence if the student is more than 15 minutes late to class. Teachers will address the first four tardies before referring to the administration for progressive discipline.

Students are expected to remain on campus from the time of arrival until excused. Students who ride the bus are to remain on campus once they arrive. Students who need to check out early due to illness or appointments must report to the attendance office before leaving campus. Failure to do so will result in truancy, regardless of later returning to school with a note from a parent. Parents coming to pick up students from school must check in at the main office. Students will not be released during the last hour of school unless prearranged and approved by the principal.

School starts promptly at 9 a.m. Students may wait in the cafeteria after 8:30 a.m. The rest of the buildings are open at 8:55 a.m. Gaiser is a closed campus, and students must remain on school grounds during the school day unless their parent/guardian comes to pick them up and signs them out at the attendance office. Students will be considered truant and will be disciplined if they leave campus without permission or are in an off-limits area during school hours. Before school and during lunches, students may be in the cafeteria or within the yellow boundaries in the back courtyard. Students are not allowed in other areas without passes.

Modest and appropriate dress is an expectation while on campus. Students wearing inappropriate clothing or hats will be asked to change their clothes and/or remove their hats/hoods. Students who refuse to change or who respond disrespectfully will receive progressive consequences.

  • No hats at Gaiser. Hoods and stocking hats may be worn only outdoors for weather below 55 degrees.
  • Pants are to be at the waist—no sagging.
  • No holes, tears or distressed pants that expose skin above fingertip length.
  • Pajamas and slippers are to remain at home.
  • No spaghetti-strap shirts or exposed undergarments, including bra straps. Shoulder straps are to be at least three fingers wide.
  • No bare shoulders, bare midriffs, racerbacks, bare backs, low necklines or large armholes.
  • Chains, spikes or studs are not allowed.
  • No long belts or bandanas of any color.
  • No bandana-print clothing.
  • Garments or accessories (including backpacks) that have profanity and/or drug/alcohol references or are sexually suggestive or related to gangs are not allowed.
  • All outer garments such as skirts, dresses, shorts must be below fingertips of extended arms while standing upright.
  • If any unusual situation relative to dress or grooming arises that is not specifically covered in the dress code, the building administrator shall have the authority to rule on the appropriateness of the attire.

Violations of dress code may result in progressive consequences.

Bikes are to be walked on campus at all times. Bikes should never be brought inside the school building or gym. Students must take full responsibility for securing bikes in the proper area.

Skateboards are not allowed at Gaiser. Because of the district’s insurance and liability policies, skateboards, rollerblades or any wheeled transportation device may not be used on school district grounds at any time or transported on a school bus.

  1. Public display of affection: Kissing or prolonged hugging is not appropriate.
  2. Hall pass: Students must have a pass when in the hall during class time or when going to a class during lunch. One pass per student.
  3. Cellphones and all electronics (iPads, cameras, MP3 players, laptops, earbuds, headphones, handheld games, etc.) are to be turned off and stored while on campus, including during lunch and passing times unless related to an assignment and permitted and supervised by a classroom teacher. In the case of an emergency, students may use the phone in the office. Cameras are not allowed to be used due to student identity protection laws. Students bring all these items at their own risk, and staff will not investigate lost or stolen personal items.
  4. Perfume and cologne should be left at home. If these are sprayed or rubbed on others, discipline will be assigned.
  5. Aerosol cans, glass items and balloons are to be left at home.
  6. Food and beverages are to remain in the cafeteria unless arranged by staff.
    • Food and drinks are not to be shared.
    • Energy-type drinks are not allowed.
    • Beverages must be less than 24 ounces in size and in clear containers.
    • Powdery substances like Kool-Aid/sugar mixes are to remain at home.
    • Teachers may choose not to have gum in their classrooms.
  7. Cheating: Copying homework or cheating on a test may result in consequences.
  8. Technology violations: Misusing or damaging iPad and computer equipment may result in disciplinary action. Student internet histories are checked frequently.
  9. Fighting is not an option at Gaiser. You have the right to protect yourself by putting your hands around your face for protection or leaving the area to get an adult. If you choose to fight back, you are part of the fight and will be disciplined accordingly. Play fighting often leads to injury and/or a real fight and is not allowed.
  10. Medication: Students may not have prescription or over-the-counter medication in their possession. This includes Ibuprofen, cold/allergy medication, etc. Office personnel may administer medication to a student if the medication is accurately labeled with a current prescription for the student on file from a physician. The medication must be delivered to school by a parent/guardian and remain locked in the main office.
  11. If you have a concern, there is a process:
    • If the situation involves a staff member, please contact the staff member first to discuss the issue.
    • If the situation is one where a counselor might be of assistance, contact a counselor.
    • The next in line for an appeal is an associate principal.
    • If the parent or student has not reached a satisfactory resolution to the problem, contact the building principal.
    • The next step for appeal would be the chief of secondary education. In the event of an appeal of a suspension or expulsion, the office of student welfare and attendance should be contacted.

Most classes at Gaiser include some homework that may be a long-term project or short assignment. Students should keep track of homework in their planners and on their iPads. Parents are encouraged to check student planners and Family Access. Many teachers also have calendars on their websites, which parents may access for more information.

Students are not allowed to bring visitors (friends, cousins, etc.) to school. Parents are always welcome; however, they must seek administrator approval 24 hours prior to the planned visit. Parents must check in at the main office first and receive a visitor’s pass.

Response to Intervention (RtI)

The RtI approach identifies a student’s specific areas of need then implements an intervention to address that need. Teams
use data to evaluate the success of the intervention and identify additional interventions. Gaiser uses an RtI model for both behavioral and academic standards.

Project Legacy

Project Legacy is Gaiser’s training and reinforcement system for student behavior. Students receive legacy tickets for positive behavior. These tickets may be spent at a weekly legacy store. Students also have the opportunity to attend Club Legacy once per month. Behavioral retraining happens twice per month as part of Legacy Days.

Student management system

Gaiser uses a system called Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, or PBIS, to address student management. All students are educated on our behavioral expectations: respect, responsibility, safety and positive attitude. They also learn about the Gaiser givens, which further define these expectations. Expectations are posted in each room. When students fail to follow expectations, a reflection and retraining process is put into place. This process may include:

  • Conferencing with the student
  • Contacting parents/guardians
  • Contacting school counselors or administrators

Assigning students a buddy room reflection form allows students to consider their behavior and where it fails to match up with expectations. These forms are sent home to the family as well as evaluated regularly by the RtI team.