Student-athletes must meet high academic and attendance standards in order to participate in after-school sports. Our student-athletes focus on the things that make a difference in their education and their team membership.
Core Covenants : Defend the Den
Middle school athletics and activities
- To register for middle school sports you’ll need to create an account online at FinalForms, a secure, user-friendly platform. This process can be completed on any device that is able to access webpages. If you need help, please click here (english) or Registro de estudiantes (spanish). For families that don’t have computer access, there are computers available at Gaiser, please call the Business office to make an appointment 360-313-3404. Registration for fall sports are open.
- All students in middle school can participate in sports through the district’s no-cut policy.
- Students may participate in one sport/activity per season.
- Students must have a valid WIAA Sport physical for the season. Please use our form, other forms (ie. CCYF or Boy Scouts forms) will not be accepted. See the link below under the FORMS section and we have paper copies in the office.
- If your student uses an inhaler or other medication, we need the Authorization for Administration of Medication form (for the current school year) signed by a physician. See link below. For more questions regarding this please contact our school nurse.
- Athletes must have health insurance or sports insurance. Families who do not have health insurance can purchase sports insurance through Myers-Steven or may wish to contact the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington
- Practices are Monday through Friday after school until 5pm or 5.15pm depending on the sport. School does not provide transportation after practices.
- Students who are absent more than three periods in a day may not participate in any after-school sports or activities on that day.
- Athletes must meet behavior and academic guidelines to participate.
- Students with any failing grades will be on probation, and students with more than two failing grades will not be eligible to play in games. Athletes will also not be eligible during the three weeks in a season following a trimester where two or more F grades were received.
- An ASB card (one for the current school year) must be purchased and all Athletic fines must be paid before a student can participate in an Activity.
2024-25 school year middle school sports seasons
Fall |
Early winter |
Late winter |
Spring |
Track – Boys & Girls 6th, 7th and 8th grade |
Girls Basketball 7th and 8th grade |
Boys Basketball 7th and 8th grade |
Flag football – Boys & Girls 6th and 7th grade |
Wrestling – Boys & Girls 6th, 7th and 8th grade |
Girls Bowling 7th and 8th grade |
Tackle football – Boys & Girls 8th grade |
Girls Volleyball 7th and 8th grade |
Cross-country – Boys & Girls 6th, 7th and 8th grade |
Parents can register their students for middle school sports through FinalForms, a secure, user-friendly platform.
- You’ll need to create an account online at . This process can be completed on any device that is able to access webpages. If you need help registering, please click here (english) or Registro de estudiantes (spanish). For families that don’t have computer access, there will be computers available at Gaiser. Please call the Business office to make an appointment 360-313-3404. Registration for fall sports are open.
- In order for athletes to be eligible to practice and participate in competitions all required forms have to be completed, submitted and reviewed. The nurse reviews all physicals. Physicals are good for two years.
- Students must have a valid WIAA sports physical for the season. Please be sure and use our district approved form, other forms (ie. CCYF or Boy Scout) will not be accepted. See the attached link below under the FORMS section and we have paper copies in the main office.
- If your student uses an inhaler or other medication, we need the Authorization for Administration of Medication form (for the current school year) signed by a physician. See link below. For more questions regarding this please contact our school nurse.
- Athletes must have health or sports insurance. Families who do not have health insurance can purchase sport’s insurance through or may wish to contact the Free Clinic of Southwest Washington.
Fees can be paid online or at the Business Office with either cash or credit/debit cards.
Athletes are required to purchase an ASB card for $15 (one card fee per year) along with a $25 per sport athletic fee in order to attend the 1st practice.
If you qualify for Free & Reduced lunch, and wish to receive the discount, a consent to share form has to be turned in and the payment must be made at Gaiser’s Business office.
All athletes are required to have a physical done by a doctor and are good for two years.
The school nurse needs to review all physicals prior to athletes participating which includes practices.
For blank physical forms, please click here
Free Physicals August 17, 2023
If your child needs a physical and you do not have a doctor or medical, here is some information.